Online Cabinet Planner: Generate orders with your tablet

The online cabinet planner also runs on the tabletAn online cabinet planner can seriously change the way we work in our craft to the positive. Do you know the following problem?
At the customer appointment, one measures, advises the customer and establishes a good contact. The atmosphere is good and the customer is in a buying mood. You say goodbye friendly, promise to send the offer and the planning in the next few days and goes back to the company. There you are eagerly awaited, because there is a problem in the workshop. After that, an important appointment is scheduled on a construction site and the day is over.

The next few days are similar and only when the customer calls a week later and asks when he gets his offer, the appointment comes back to you. You have a bad conscience and put in an evening shift to send the offer to the customer. When one calls the customer three days later, his buying mood is almost completely gone, the price seems to him far too high because he has used the past time to find out where else.

Wouldn’t it be better to be able to complete the order at home at the customer’s home?

Plan cabinets online together with the customer

In our vision, the processing of such customer appointments will take place in a completely different way in the future. You arrive at the customer and he shows you where he wants new furniture. You take a short measure and photograph the room situation with your tablet. One of the photos you take as the background for the new living room cabinet.

Together with the customer, you develop the idea, determine the positions for doors, compartments and drawers. Then you choose colors, wooden patterns and decors, and at the end of this conversation the customer sees his new online planned closet already in the living room. Of course custom-made and all special requests could be fulfilled. The current offer price can be seen constantly in the upper right corner of the screen. There are no negative surprises. If the price becomes too high, you can immediately respond and adjust the planning.

Living room cabinet with the online cabinet planner created by
Living room cabinet with the online cabinet planner created by

The atmosphere is good and the customer is in a buying mood. The difference from the situation described first is that you can now print a job right away. Your customer has the opportunity to give and sign his/her consent immediately. As professional advice, it should be mentioned here that at this point you have to address the legal right of withdrawal of the customer.

Easy processing for production

Further processing is very easy for you, as the basic work has already been done in the online cabinet planner. With the help of ElemensCAD and ElementsCAM, you can generate the required bills of materials and machine data in the company, from the planning generated in the customer’s home, in the shortest possible time. This will make you a true online furniture manufacturer.

For more information click here:

Furniture created online – the way to production

MRegio online furniture planner for carpenters

Internet cabinet planner on your website

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